SPOTLIGHT ON: The Manchester Collective (Part 4/5)

SPOTLIGHT ON: The Manchester Collective
Interview with Artistic Director & General Manager, Adam Szabo.

So, one last question; how can the public support you further?

Adam: Obviously the best thing that people can do is to tell people about the concerts, to tell them to come along to hear the music. We really believe in the repertoire, and more importantly really believe that people who don’t know it will get something out of it and will enjoy it. 

Unfortunately in the past what has happened is it’s not a young crowd that attends because they don’t hear about the gigs, and don’t get chance when they do hear about them, and don’t know how thrilling it can be to be in the same room as that kind of repertoire. I guess that’s why we want to bring breath-taking, world-class live music to this part of England, and we would also love for more young people to be there, so tell your friends! 

We do this incredible thing, which, as far as I know, is completely unprecedented in that anyone who has a valid student card can come to any one of our concerts, anywhere, for absolutely free. So about a week before we release student tickets on our website (Click here for the link), and they’re free tickets, which is pretty brilliant! You’ve got to get them quick as the concerts have been selling quite well so we may not have a huge number to give away, but we don’t want a financial deterrent to stop anyone coming along. 

Really we just love to see people there, love to start a conversation about music, and there’s always a bar at the gigs so come up to us afterwards, have a beer, tell us what you liked and tell us what you hated! The point is if we can make people think for a second, make them reconsider what classical music is to them, and how it made them feel then we’ve done our job. 
That’s all we’re trying to do!

P.S. I'll be attending the Sunday performance of Intimate Letters tomorrow, 26th of April, so stay tuned for a review!